JoeBz Bloggz

Sunday, July 31, 2005

drive in

Wow, talk about FUN! I went to the drive in with Tim and my friend Chad and his son Cj, it was a total blast. There were hundreds of people there and most of them were tail gateing. The price was perfect for familys, $7 a head for those 12 and older. You get to watch 3 movies, ours were Stealth, Bad News Bears and War of the Worlds. We left after the 2nd, it was already going on 2am... I had no desire to stick around till 4am. :) They do the audio thru the radio so you get really good quality sound. It was Jennys birthday this weekedn so we spent most of the weekend going to different places for dinner and such.

Ahhh Monday is upon us. :) The weekend is over, back the the grind.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

thoughts of the day

"In The End"
(It starts with)
One thing / I don’t know why
It doesn’t even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind / I designed this rhyme
To explain in due time
All I know
time is a valuable thing
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it count down to the end of the day
The clock ticks life away
It’s so unreal

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Loring Park

Took a relaxing walk thru wonderous Loring Park today located in Downtown Minneapolis. The park is a lot larger than I remember, and full of sleeping people. I can see the attraction, it was a great day to grab some grass and take a siesta but for some reason I dont think I could really let myself get that comfortable to fall asleep in a public park. The fountain looked like a place people would go to on a hot summer day to cool off their feet after a pleasant walk around the park.

recent watches

I rented from netflix the other day "The Killing Fields" a really good movie that talked about the United States involvment in Cambodia in the 1970's. It was an extremely powerful movie and I seeing it nearly 10 years later since the first time, it was like watching it thru new eyes...

You dont really think about how good we have it here until you visit or are dropped into a third world country. I will leave you with these quotes.

"A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic."
-attributed to Joseph Stalin

"There is no proportion between the pity we feel and the extent of the pain by which the pity is aroused: a single Anne Frank excites more emotion than the myriads who suffered as she did but whose image has remained in the shadows. Perhaps it is necessary that it can be so. If we had to and were able to suffer the sufferings of everyone, we could not live."
- Primo Levi, I sommersi e i salvati
(The Drowned and The Saved) translation from the Italian by Raymond Rosenthal

summer vacation - its like being a kid again....

Well my summer vacation is almost over, I cant say that I havent enjoyed the hell out of it. I mean who wouldnt like a month paid to sit around and ignore work.
I have my apartment @ about 90% of what I want it to be, I need to replace the Luv Sac with a couch, Im looking at sleeper sofas. The 8 foot Sac just takes up too much damn room... :)

The weather the last few days has been absolutely perfect for walking. ( I need to do more of that... )

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Ahh thursty thursdays

Well last night I watched the first season of the 4400, the television series, I found it interesting, Tim found it a little scarey. Most likely not on his top 10 list of shows but I found it interesting none the less.
Yesterday was a sleepy day. Slept too much tuesday, I think I got too much sun or some such...
More cleaning around the house today along with the dreaded laundry. :(

Think happy thoughts!

"Errors of haste are seldom committed singly. The first time a man always does too much. And precisely on that account he commits a second error, and then he does too little."
-Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche-
(1844-1900) German Philosopher, Poet

Sunday, July 17, 2005


Wow the weekend went fast, but the fun doesnt hav to stop on monday.
Since the weather man said its going to be hot for another couple days I finally called around and found a nice little 12000 btu air conditioner for my duplex. The computer doesnt like it when its over 80 degrees. Got that crammed into a window after almost killing the cat who was trying to read the bottom of the box and after its brief encounter with cardboard decided to make a break for the open window. Did I mention Im on the second floor... Anyways the day continues.

Went to square lake on Saturday with Chad and CJ, it was a blast swimming there, I forgot how clear the water is. And since its out near stillwater not too crowded. We spent most of the time launching the kids off our shoulders and working w the kids on treading water. Tim finally started treading water pretty well near the end of the day.

Sunday Jenny, Tim and I drove around abunch and had lunch @ LeeAnn Chin, god I love the Peking Chicken there. Went and did some shopping for clothes for Tim and myself and stuff for Jenny @ Wal-Mart found a couple of other things I needed to finish some home projects in the works. :)

Much cooler, now I just need to work on getting the cool air thru the rest of the place... Fans.. need losts of fans...

Friday, July 15, 2005

wow errors abound

Well this is what I get for not updating my cosmos first before updating world of warcraft.

Here we see all my stuff seperated from my bags. I can open my bags but only 1 at a time and then I cant move the damn things so they are always in that spot.

Going to work on fixing it. I updated cosmos but it is still messed up...

oh no funny links...

I was directed to a website by a friend this morning,...
it was a funny site that would change urls.. I can see this looking like a trojan horse on the beach...

Beautiful Day continued...

I stopped at Joey D's and grabbed a combo dog, garlic roast beef and a spicy sausage. YUMM.

Not much else really shakin. Going to get out today and go for a walk w Little Tim. Should be fun. Im really looking forward to this weekend. We are going to be getting a complete tour of the locale fire station. :)

Beautiful Day

It was such a nice day outside and I met some really nice people.
Today I had to get some tires repaired on Jennys car so I ended up driving that to Tires Plus in Edina. I told the guy I needed to get out by 11am cuz I had a doctors apt @ 11:30am. He said no problem.
So with the time I had to wait I took a bus for a little ride down the road to get myself some tabs
from the motor vehicle department in Richfield. It costs $1.50 to ride but the transfers are good on return trips now (if less that 2.5 hours), very cool indeed.
After returning I seen Jennys car still wasn't being worked on I told the guy I would return, he told me to take his care and apologized for the delay. I agreed and took his car.

Later I got a call from Joe Ingersoll relating to a storage locker, it was interesting when I arrived at the location they informed me that Joe Ingersoll was telling them he was me (joeb), he later explained their confusion... yeah right. There can be only 1 joeb.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

pictures from the July 4th

Here are a couple pictures of the Wilderness located in the Wisconsin Dells Wisconson. The picture of the greenand white funnel is a new tube ride called hurricane. You come out of a tube and drop into a half pipe / funnel, whih you rock back and forth until you ventually coast out the drain into a shallow pool where life gaurds help you get out.
The other picture is of the wave pool there. It used to be called Tsunami, until the Dec 25 disaster, it is one of the strongest wave pools I have ever been in. The waves are in excess of 4 ft in height. I didnt get pictures of all the parents who would wake up and end their children to go out and secure chairs and tables for the day, it was really interesting to watch. People can be so funny.

another day

sun burn finally beginning to subside, I think I got enough moisture on the skin to keep it from peeling. Time will tell.
This is a picture from Cascade Bay in Eagan Minnesota, we had a great time there last weekend, (July 10th) They charge $8 to get in and have 2 body slides, 1 tube slide, and 2 short slides, food is reasonably priced. Good place to spend a sunny afteroon.

Monday, July 11, 2005


Yep you guesed it, I was born. All the usual stuff, doctors, hospital. Nothing out of the ordinary. That is the quick and dry since I dont have any real info about the whole situation other than what my mom told me years ago, and most of that is really fuzzy.

the beginning


Like everything in life everything has to have a beginning,
this will be an explanation of mine.
